8 Incredible Benefits Of Potatoes

Potatoes are a staple food on the planet. They may also have several health benefits, making them a more popular choice. They may improve digestion, lower cholesterol, increase heart and protect against polyps. They can strengthen the immune system and lower signs of aging.

Potatoes have many health benefits:

1. It May Promote Weight Gain

Potatoes may be mainly made up of carbohydrates, and they contain protein. They are also low in fats. They can be combined with butter, cream, and cheese to make them a great diet choice for those who are looking to lose weight. Vitamin C and B-complex may be included in this vitamin content, which can help with the proper absorption. This could be why sumo wrestlers eat a lot of potatoes and other athletes require large energy reserves to compete.

2. It May Be Easy To Digest

Potatoes may be high in carbohydrates so they can be easy to digest. They might be a good choice for children or those who are unable to digest food but still need energy. But, it is important to remember that too many of these foods can cause acidity in the long term.

3. High Fiber Content

A significant amount of fiber, or roughage, may be found in potatoes. This can stimulate peristaltic motion, increase gastric juice secretion, and help prevent constipation. High fiber levels may help protect the body against serious conditions such as colorectal carcinoma. Fiber can also help to push cholesterol out of blood vessels and arteries, which could improve heart health.

4. May Help In Skin Care

Vitamins C, and B-complex, along with minerals such as potassium, mag, and Zinc may be beneficial for the skin. The pulp from the raw potatoes can be used in skin and face masks. It can also be mixed with honey. It may even be used to treat pimples or spots. This pulp can be applied to burns externally and may offer quick relief. For softening rough skin around the elbows, mashed potatoes or even water that has been used to wash them may be a good option.

5. It May Help Treat Scurvy

The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published a study that found potatoes might have high levels of vitamin A and carotenoid. Scurvy can be caused by a deficiency in vitamin C. Potatoes might have been one the main sources of vitamin A in Ireland during the Irish potato famine. The researchers discovered that scurvy was a common disease in the region after studying the deaths.

6. May Reduce Inflammation

According to research, potatoes may have high effectiveness in reducing inflammation (internal and external). They are soft and easy to digest and may contain a lot of vitamin C (an excellent antioxidant that repairs tissue wear and tears), potassium, and vitamin B6, which may help relieve inflammation in the digestive system and intestines. They may also be beneficial for people with mouth ulcers. People with arthritis or gout can use potatoes to reduce inflammation.

7. May Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can cause by a variety of factors, including diabetes stress, obesity, overweight, or poor diet choices. High blood pressure can be relieved by potatoes. The fiber in potatoes may help lower cholesterol. The potassium in potatoes (46% daily requirement per portion) may lower blood pressure as it acts as a vasodilator.

8. Better Brain Health

The brain’s ability to function properly may depend on its glucose level, oxygen supply, and various components of the Vitamin-B complex. You may find potatoes can meet almost all of the above needs. Potatoes may contain high amounts of carbohydrates which can promote good glucose levels in people without type 2 diabetes mellitus. This can prevent fatigue from creeping in and keeps cognitive activity and performance high.